What did you think? I promised you that I looked good but I bet you never imagined that it would be a show with 'All the Richard without the Judy'.
Judy will be back in a few days after she's recovered from the operation on her knee. The doctor thinks she's been kneeling too long doing the plastering on the crazy paving in the back garden. Which is fine for him to say... I want to know who's going to finish the crazy paving?
Unfortunately I don't get to see the Madeley magic. Who was on? Maybe there will be some youtube clips.
Oh, and I hope Judy feels better. My mom had knee surgery a year or so ago and it hurt for months. You better hire out for the rest of the path...
Hey, is that guy still living in the garden? Get him to do it.
What do you mean, who was on? It was me. Your's truly. All on my lonesome. Holding together the show in Judy's absence. There were guests, of course, but it was mainly me. The whole show: Made in Madeley.
Was nobody watching?
You mean Fred? Fred's no longer feral but I wouldn't ask him to do the patio. It takes too much skill and a knack with a trowel. I'll give Judy a couple of days and then see if she can reach the bit near the back door.
Well I watched you and thought you looked grand. Would you like me to send you a pack of Gillette razors? The stubble does not suit you, lol
Devonshire, it's not actually stubble but my attempt to grow an ironic beard. I'm being postmodern, you see, given my previous rant about beards.
So glad that you watched. I would have given you a wink if I'd known.
Please! I beg of you, NOT a beard (I'll stop watching the TV)
I'll check again tomorrow and if your stubble is still there then I'm afraid it will be Jasper and his balls in future.
Did not catch you tonight due to work but will definately will be watching tomorrow
Yes dear, who were the guests. It's easier to find clips by the guest's name.
You did indeed look lovely Richard apart from that little bit of spinach in your teeth.
Our new tele doesn't miss a thing.
Many, many years ago when it was all the rage to have those sun visor strips across the front windscreen with the owner of the car's names on it, a friend of mine had -
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